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Under 9's

Tiddington Under 9s

Under 9s matches are designed to give children
an introduction into cricket match environment.

We will be playing in the South Oxfordshire Under 9s against.

Thame Town

Games Off – 6th July 2024

1s, 2s & 3s games are off but the club will be open at 4pm for the England match.

This week at TCC – 22nd June 2024

This week’s Cricket at Tiddington CC

This week at TCC – 15th June 2024

This week’s Cricket at Tiddington CC

This week at TCC – 8th June 2024

This week’s Cricket at Tiddington CC

This week at TCC – 1st June 2024

This week’s Cricket at Tiddington CC

Latest Under 9 News

2019 Under 9's Fixtures

Tues 7th May18:00TiddingtonvHorspath
Tues 14th May18:00ByevBye
Tues 21st May18:00TiddingtonvDidcot
Tues 28th May18:00OxfordvTiddington
Tues 4th June18:00TiddingtonvThame
Tues 11th June18:00GoringTiddington
Tues 18th June18:00WatlingtonvTiddington

Under 11’s Photos

Guidelines for Competition

1. The objective of the competition is to give children an introduction to a cricket match environment
2. Teams to consist of up to 10 players
3. Matches should be played with an Aeroball/Incrediball to help develop cricket skills
4. Pitch length should be 14 yards.
5. Players bat in pairs, each pair to bat for four overs
6. All players bowl two overs each
7. Front foot no-balls are not called (but bowlers should be encouraged to bowl from the crease)
8. The two coaches should agree on the interpretation of wides/no balls before the start of the match
9. Umpires should show leniency for wides and no balls, but the batsman should have an opportunity to hit the ball
10. Overs (other than the final over) are restricted to 7 deliveries (the first no ball/wide to be scored normally with an extra ball, subsequent wides/no balls to score 2 penalty runs with no extra ball)
11. In the final over, normal laws of cricket apply: all wides and no balls are rebowled and only scored as one run
12. Where a child (eg wicketkeeper) does not want to bowl, two bowlers should bowl one extra over each
13. Where a team has less players than the other, the pair that received the least legal balls should be the pair to bat twice (unless otherwise agreed by the coaches before the innings starts)
14. In the event of matches being cancelled/postponed then every attempt should be made to replay within 2 weeks; If matches cant be completed then each team receives 1 point