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Our Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.00pm on Sunday 2 February 2025, however, due to the situation at the clubhouse, this year the AGM will be held at Tiddington Village Hall. If you wish to attend, please advise Abii Boswell-Harris on

At our AGM we will report on all Club activities, financial position from the previous year, current and future plans, and elect our Club Officers.

The function of the General Committee is to represent the views of our members and administer the Club’s business. Our Club, like many others, would not function without the commitment from the volunteers who sit on our General Committee. If you would like to come and join our amazing team of volunteers, please let Abii know on the above email address.

This year we are looking for:
Honorary Secretary – this role would include attending committee meetings (1 per month), taking and distributing the minutes and other general administrative duties.
Safeguarding Officer– in this role you would help the committee to create a safe and inclusive club environment, assist the committee in updating and implementing policies and procedures.

We have an incredible Club, membership and much to celebrate.

Please do join us at the AGM.

Yours sincerely,
Emma Boswell-Harris
Chair of TCC


  1. Apologies for absence
  1. Minutes of last AGM
  1. Chairman’s Report
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  1. Election of Officers/Committee
  • President
  • Chairman
  • Vice-chairman
  • Honorary Secretary
  • Honorary Treasurer
  • Welfare Officer
  • Membership secretary
  • Committee Members
  1. Election of Vice Presidents
  1. Appointment of independent examiner
  1. Membership Subscriptions
  1. Any other business
    (Notified to Membership Secretary in advance)