April 2024
Dear Members
We hope that this finds you and your family, safe & well and looking forward to the start of this cricket season, with hope.
At our 2023 AGM it was agreed to freeze our social membership fees again so remain as follows:
Family Social Membership £20.00
Single Social Membership £10.00
In order to retain your membership for the current year, I would be grateful to receive your remittance as soon as possible by cash/cheque/internet banking. If you would like to pay by internet banking, the details required are:
Account Name: Tiddington Cricket Club Ref (very important!): Your name
Account number: 33734730 Sort Code: 20-02-06
If paying by internet banking please notify when you have made the payment.
Membership of the 100 club is also due to existing members. It costs just £20 for the year per number and you will be entered into our monthly draw with a chance to win £20, £30 or £40. There is also an extra £100 draw at Christmas. New members are welcome to join our 100 club, please let me know when making payment.
We would like to communicate where possible by email. Please could you let me have a current email address if you have one.
We look forward to seeing you and hearing from you, shortly, hopefully watching some cricket!